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Training delivery is one of DeSo core services. DeSo is best known for its training programs related to management of EU projects, however many of its other management training courses such as in project management or office management are very popular. Over 1,200 individual and 300 institutional clients have attended various DeSo training programs in the past period.

DeSo offers its trainings at market rates to the general public, however it also prepares and delivers tailor-made training programs for different organizations. DeSo trainers are often asked to deliver training at events (seminars, workshops) organized by different public and private organizations.


Empowering Relevant Actors for Social Inclusion at Local Level ( EuropeAid/127054/C/SER/multi)

The project was implemented by Cambridge Education and it involved provision of training to municipal and NGO representatives on social inclusion, employment of vulnerable groups, and development of effective EU project proposals for tackling social inclusion. DeSo involvement in the project consisted of providing 1 Junior Expert in charge of training delivery. Tasks included participation in training needs analysis (personal interviews and focus groups with potential participants); preparation of extensive training curricula for 5 days of training in (social inclusion, project cycle management, employment of vulnerable groups); delivery of 25 days of training in 5 cities nationwide. (Client: Cambridge Education, UK).

Mavrovo Business Start-Up Training and Business Mentoring

The project involved delivery of a 2-month training course in business start-up and organization of business mentoring for start-ups in the area of the National Park Mavrovo.
The project included a 2-month training (once per week x 3 hours) in the basics of biz start-up and biz management, including but not limited to: legal aspects, financial aspects, accounting aspects of running a micro enterprise; product development, marketing, distribution, etc. The training process also involved continuous work on individual business plans.
Following the completion of the training, 8 business plans were awarded start-up funding of in-between 6,000-8,000 Euros by the client. Start-ups continue receiving mentoring support, and support with marketing and sales of their products. (Client: Gruppo Volontariato Civile (GVC), Italy).

Regional Training in EU Project Cycle Management

Organisation and delivery of 3-day workshop on project cycle management for the staff and partners of the National Agency for Regional Development from Serbia, including representatives of partner agencies from the region. The workshop combined advance training in project management concepts and instruments and presentations of selected EU programs, such as the Competitiveness and Innovation Program (CIP), Southeast Europe Transnational Cooperation Program, etc. (Client: National Agency for Regional Development, Serbia).