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DeSo has strong experience with evaluation work. It has evaluated a range of different projects and programs across countries and regions. Work has included various types of evaluation studies such as ex-ante assessments, interim and final project evaluations, ex-post impact evaluations.


Evaluation of EU-funded project (2nd year) Regional CSO Platform Advocating Social Innovation under Employment Policies that Guarantees Security for Youth at Risk, implemented by Association for Democratic Prosperity – Zid (ADP Zid), Montenegro, SEEYN network, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Toplum Gönüllüleri Vakfı (ToG – Community Volunteers Foundation), Turkey, Youth Cultural Center - Bitola (YCC- Bitola), Macedonia, National Association on Youth Workers (NAPOR Serbia), Serbia, LENS, Kosovo, Beyond Barriers, Albania, 2017.
Review of the SDC-funded project Restoration of the Lake Prespa Ecosystem Project, implemented by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), Macedonia, 2016.
Evaluation of EU-funded project (1st year) Regional CSO Platform Advocating Social Innovation under Employment Policies that Guarantees Security for Youth at Risk, implemented by Association for Democratic Prosperity – Zid (ADP Zid), Montenegro, SEEYN network, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Toplum Gönüllüleri Vakfı (ToG – Community Volunteers Foundation), Turkey, Youth Cultural Center - Bitola (YCC- Bitola), Macedonia, National Association on Youth Workers (NAPOR Serbia), Serbia, LENS, Kosovo, Beyond Barriers, Albania, 2016.
Interim evaluation of EU-funded project Strengthening Freedom of Expression through Promotion of Young Citizen Journalism, implemented by the Manana Youth Educational-Cultural Center (MYC), Armenia, 2016.
Review of the SDC-funded project Restoration of the Lake Prespa Ecosystem Project, implemented by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), Macedonia, 2015.
Interim evaluation of EU-funded project Strengthening Freedom of Expression through Promotion of Young Citizen Journalism, implemented by the Manana Youth Educational-Cultural Center (MYC), Armenia, 2015.
Evaluation of EU-funded project Local Development Strategies on Social Services in Shkodra and Ulcinj Region, implemented by Association for Democratic Prosperity - ZID, Montenegro and Center Children Today (CCT), Albania, 2014.
Evaluation of EU-funded project Development and Growth of the Offer of Community-based Voluntary Service, implemented by Association for Democratic Prosperity - ZID, Montenegro, 2012.